

PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr


cascading replication
repmgrd, repmgrd and cascading replication
package information, CentOS Packages
child node disconnection monitoring, Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
child node disconnection monitoring, Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
child node disconnection monitoring, Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
child node disconnection monitoring, Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
event notification, Standby disconnections monitoring process event notifications
child node disconnection monitoring, Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
child node disconnection monitoring, Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
event notification, Standby disconnections monitoring process event notifications
event notification, Standby disconnections monitoring process event notifications
event notification, Standby disconnections monitoring process event notifications
advanced options, Advanced cloning options
cascading replication, Cloning and cascading replication
from Barman, Cloning a standby from Barman
replication slots, Cloning and replication slots
using passwords, Managing passwords
compatibility matrix, repmgr compatibility matrix
concepts, Concepts
database user permissions, repmgr database user permissions
PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
prerequisites, Prerequisites for configuration
repmgr.conf, Configuration file
ssh, Prerequisites for configuration
config_directory configuration file parameter, Optional configuration file settings
connection_check_type, repmgrd configuration
conninfo configuration file parameter, Required configuration file settings


data_directory configuration file parameter, Required configuration file settings
package information, Debian/Ubuntu Packages
repmgrd daemon configuration, repmgrd daemon configuration on Debian/Ubuntu
degraded monitoring, "degraded monitoring" mode
degraded_monitoring_timeout, repmgrd configuration


election_rerun_interval, Optional configuration for automatic failover
event notifications, Event Notifications


failover, Required configuration for automatic failover
failover validation, Failover validation
failover_validation_command, Optional configuration for automatic failover
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Following a new primary, Following a new primary
(see also repmgr standby follow)
follow_command, Required configuration for automatic failover


PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr


installation, Installation
from packages, Installing repmgr from packages
from source, Installing repmgr from source
old package versions, Installing old package versions
on Debian/Ubuntu etc., Debian/Ubuntu
on Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora etc., RedHat/CentOS/Fedora
requirements, Requirements for installing repmgr


location configuration file parameter, Optional configuration file settings
log rotation
repmgrd, repmgrd log rotation
log settings
configuration in repmgr.conf, Log settings
log_facility configuration file parameter, Log settings
log_file configuration file parameter, Log settings
log_level configuration file parameter, Log settings
log_status_interval configuration file parameter, Log settings


PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
with repmgrd, Storing monitoring data
monitor_interval_secs, repmgrd configuration


network splits, Handling network splits with repmgrd
node_id configuration file parameter, Required configuration file settings
node_name configuration file parameter, Required configuration file settings
with "repmgr standby switchover", Configuration file settings


packages, repmgr package details
CentOS packages, CentOS Packages
Debian/Ubuntu packages, Debian/Ubuntu Packages
information for packagers, Information for packagers
old versions, Installing old package versions
snaphots, Snapshot packages
pausing repmgrd, Pausing repmgrd
service command settings, Service command settings
using with "repmgr node rejoin", Using pg_rewind
using with "repmgr standby switchover", Switchover and pg_rewind
pg_upgrade, pg_upgrade and repmgr
PID file
repmgrd, repmgrd's PID file
PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
primary_visibility_consensus, Primary visibility consensus, Optional configuration for automatic failover
priority, Optional configuration for automatic failover
with "repmgr standby promote ", Configuration file settings
with "repmgr standby promote ", Configuration file settings
promote_command, Required configuration for automatic failover
promoting a standby, Promoting a standby server with repmgr
(see also repmgr standby promote)


quickstart, Quick-start guide


reconnect_attempts, repmgrd configuration
reconnect_interval, repmgrd configuration
customising with "repmgr standby clone", Customising recovery.conf
generating for a standby cloned by another method, Using a standby cloned by another method
Release notes, Release notes
replication slots
cloning, Cloning and replication slots
with "repmgr standby switchover", Configuration file settings
replication_type configuration file parameter, Optional configuration file settings
replication_user configuration file parameter, Optional configuration file settings
compatibility matrix, repmgr compatibility matrix
repmgr cluster cleanup, repmgr cluster cleanup
repmgr cluster crosscheck, repmgr cluster crosscheck
repmgr cluster event, repmgr cluster event
repmgr cluster matrix, repmgr cluster matrix
repmgr cluster show, repmgr cluster show
repmgr daemon pause, repmgr daemon pause
repmgr daemon start, repmgr daemon start
repmgr daemon status, repmgr daemon status
repmgr daemon stop, repmgr daemon stop
repmgr daemon unpause, repmgr daemon unpause
repmgr node check, repmgr node check
repmgr node rejoin, repmgr node rejoin
caveats, Caveats when using repmgr node rejoin
repmgr node service, repmgr node service
repmgr node status, repmgr node status
repmgr primary register, repmgr primary register
repmgr primary unregister, repmgr primary unregister
repmgr standby clone, repmgr standby clone
(see also cloning)
repmgr standby follow, repmgr standby follow
repmgr standby promote, repmgr standby promote
repmgr standby register, repmgr standby register
repmgr standby switchover, repmgr standby switchover
repmgr standby unregister, repmgr standby unregister
repmgr witness register, repmgr witness register
(see also witness server)
repmgr witness unregister, repmgr witness unregister
repmgr.conf, Configuration file
format, Configuration file format
location, Configuration file location
log settings, Log settings
optional settings, Optional configuration file settings
required settings, Required configuration file settings
service command settings, Service command settings
applying configuration changes, Applying configuration changes to repmgrd
automatic failover, Automatic failover with repmgrd
BDR, BDR failover with repmgrd
cascading replication, repmgrd and cascading replication
child node disconnection, Monitoring standby disconnections on the primary node
configuration, repmgrd setup and configuration
Debian/Ubuntu and daemon configuration, repmgrd daemon configuration on Debian/Ubuntu
degraded monitoring, "degraded monitoring" mode
displaying daemon status, repmgr daemon status
failover validation, Failover validation
log rotation, repmgrd log rotation
monitoring, Storing monitoring data
monitoring configuration, Monitoring configuration
network splits, Handling network splits with repmgrd
operation, repmgrd operation
overview, repmgrd overview
paused WAL replay, repmgrd and paused WAL replay
pausing, Pausing repmgrd, repmgr daemon pause
PID file, repmgrd's PID file
PostgreSQL service configuration, PostgreSQL service configuration
primary visibility consensus, Primary visibility consensus
repmgrd service configuration, repmgrd service configuration
standby disconnection, Monitoring standby disconnections on the primary node
standby disconnection on failover, Standby disconnection on failover
starting, repmgr daemon start
starting and stopping, repmgrd daemon
stopping, repmgr daemon stop
unpausing, repmgr daemon unpause
witness server, Using a witness server
with "repmgr daemon start", Configuration file settings
with "repmgr daemon stop", Configuration file settings


service command settings
configuration in repmgr.conf, Service command settings
with "repmgr standby switchover", Configuration file settings
sibling_nodes_disconnect_timeout, Optional configuration for automatic failover
snapshot packages, Snapshot packages
standby disconnection on failover, Standby disconnection on failover
standby_disconnect_on_failover, Optional configuration for automatic failover
with "repmgr standby switchover", Configuration file settings
support, repmgr support
reporting issues, Reporting Issues
switchover, Performing a switchover with repmgr
caveats, Caveats
execution, Executing the switchover command
preparation, Preparing for switchover
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting switchover issues


upgrading, Upgrading repmgr
checking repmgrd status, Checking repmgrd status after an upgrade
from repmgr 3.x, Upgrading from repmgr 3.x
major release, Upgrading a major version release
minor release, Upgrading a minor version release
pg_upgrade, pg_upgrade and repmgr
repmgr 4.x and later, Upgrading repmgr 4.x and later
use_replication_slots configuration file parameter, Optional configuration file settings


PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
PostgreSQL configuration, PostgreSQL configuration for repmgr
with "repmgr standby switchover", Configuration file settings
witness server
repmgrd, Using a witness server