8.2. Executing the switchover command

To demonstrate switchover, we will assume a replication cluster with a primary (node1) and one standby (node2); after the switchover node2 should become the primary with node1 following it.

The switchover command must be run from the standby which is to be promoted, and in its simplest form looks like this:

    $ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf standby switchover
    NOTICE: executing switchover on node "node2" (ID: 2)
    INFO: searching for primary node
    INFO: checking if node 1 is primary
    INFO: current primary node is 1
    INFO: SSH connection to host "node1" succeeded
    INFO: archive mode is "off"
    INFO: replication lag on this standby is 0 seconds
    NOTICE: local node "node2" (ID: 2) will be promoted to primary; current primary "node1" (ID: 1) will be demoted to standby
    NOTICE: stopping current primary node "node1" (ID: 1)
    DETAIL: executing server command "pg_ctl -l /var/log/postgres/startup.log -D '/var/lib/pgsql/data' -m fast -W stop"
    INFO: checking primary status; 1 of 6 attempts
    NOTICE: current primary has been cleanly shut down at location 0/3001460
    NOTICE: promoting standby to primary
    DETAIL: promoting server "node2" (ID: 2) using "pg_ctl -l /var/log/postgres/startup.log -w -D '/var/lib/pgsql/data' promote"
    server promoting
    DETAIL: server "node2" (ID: 2) was successfully promoted to primary
    INFO: setting node 1's primary to node 2
    NOTICE: starting server using  "pg_ctl -l /var/log/postgres/startup.log -w -D '/var/lib/pgsql/data' restart"
    NOTICE: NODE REJOIN successful
    DETAIL: node 1 is now attached to node 2
    NOTICE: switchover was successful
    DETAIL: node "node2" is now primary

The old primary is now replicating as a standby from the new primary, and the cluster status will now look like this:

    $ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf cluster show
     ID | Name  | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Connection string
     1  | node1 | standby |   running | node2    | default  | host=node1 dbname=repmgr user=repmgr
     2  | node2 | primary | * running |          | default  | host=node2 dbname=repmgr user=repmgr

If repmgrd is in use, it's worth double-checking that all nodes are unpaused by executing repmgr daemon status.


Users of repmgr versions prior to 4.2 will need to manually restart repmgrd on all nodes after the switchover is completed.