4.2. Configuration file

4.2.1. Configuration file format
4.2.2. Configuration file items
4.2.3. Configuration file location

repmgr and repmgrd use a common configuration file, by default called repmgr.conf (although any name can be used if explicitly specified). repmgr.conf must contain a number of required parameters, including the database connection string for the local node and the location of its data directory; other values will be inferred from defaults if not explicitly supplied. See section required configuration file settings for more details.

4.2.1. Configuration file format

repmgr.conf is a plain text file with one parameter/value combination per line.

Whitespace is insignificant (except within a quoted parameter value) and blank lines are ignored. Hash marks (#) designate the remainder of the line as a comment. Parameter values that are not simple identifiers or numbers should be single-quoted.

To embed a single quote in a parameter value, write either two quotes (preferred) or backslash-quote.

Example of a valid repmgr.conf file:

# repmgr.conf

node_name= node1
conninfo ='host=node1 dbname=repmgr user=repmgr connect_timeout=2'
data_directory = '/var/lib/pgsql/12/data'


Beginning with repmgr 5.0, configuration file parsing has been tightened up and now matches the way PostgreSQL itself parses configuration files.

This means repmgr.conf files used with earlier repmgr versions may need slight modification before they can be used with repmgr 5 and later.

The main change is that repmgr requires most string values to be enclosed in single quotes. For example, this was previously valid:

conninfo=host=node1 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2

but must now be changed to:

conninfo='host=node1 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=2'

4.2.2. Configuration file items

The following sections document some sections of the configuration file:

For a full list of annotated configuration items, see the file repmgr.conf.sample.

For repmgrd-specific settings, see Chapter 13.


The following parameters in the configuration file can be overridden with command line options:

  • -L/--log-level overrides log_level in repmgr.conf
  • -b/--pg_bindir overrides pg_bindir in repmgr.conf

4.2.3. Configuration file location

The configuration file will be searched for in the following locations:

  • a configuration file specified by the -f/--config-file command line option

  • a location specified by the package maintainer (if repmgr as installed from a package and the package maintainer has specified the configuration file location)

  • repmgr.conf in the local directory

  • /etc/repmgr.conf

  • the directory reported by pg_config --sysconfdir

Note that if a file is explicitly specified with -f/--config-file, an error will be raised if it is not found or not readable, and no attempt will be made to check default locations; this is to prevent repmgr unexpectedly reading the wrong configuration file.


If providing the configuration file location with -f/--config-file, avoid using a relative path, particularly when executing repmgr primary register and repmgr standby register, as repmgr stores the configuration file location in the repmgr metadata for use when repmgr is executed remotely (e.g. during repmgr standby switchover). repmgr will attempt to convert the a relative path into an absolute one, but this may not be the same as the path you would explicitly provide (e.g. ./repmgr.conf might be converted to /path/to/./repmgr.conf, whereas you'd normally write /path/to/repmgr.conf).