IV. repmgr command reference

Table of Contents
repmgr primary register -- initialise a repmgr installation and register the primary node
repmgr primary unregister -- unregister an inactive primary node
repmgr standby clone -- clone a PostgreSQL standby node from another PostgreSQL node
repmgr standby register -- add a standby's information to the repmgr metadata
repmgr standby unregister -- remove a standby's information from the repmgr metadata
repmgr standby promote -- promote a standby to a primary
repmgr standby follow -- attach a standby to a new primary
repmgr standby switchover -- promote a standby to primary and demote the existing primary to a standby
repmgr witness register -- add a witness node's information to the repmgr metadata
repmgr witness unregister -- remove a witness node's information to the repmgr metadata
repmgr node status -- show overview of a node's basic information and replication status
repmgr node check -- performs some health checks on a node from a replication perspective
repmgr node rejoin -- rejoin a dormant (stopped) node to the replication cluster
repmgr node service -- show or execute the system service command to stop/start/restart/reload/promote a node
repmgr cluster show -- display information about each registered node in the replication cluster
repmgr cluster matrix --  runs repmgr cluster show on each node and summarizes output
repmgr cluster crosscheck -- cross-checks connections between each combination of nodes
repmgr cluster event -- output a formatted list of cluster events
repmgr cluster cleanup -- purge monitoring history
repmgr daemon status -- display information about the status of repmgrd on each node in the cluster
repmgr daemon pause -- Instruct all repmgrd instances in the replication cluster to pause failover operations
repmgr daemon unpause -- Instruct all repmgrd instances in the replication cluster to resume failover operations